stand upWelcome to our healthy lifestyle challenge lead by our program dietitian Vicki Bovee and her husband, Bill.

Because we can always do better to live a healthier lifestyle Vicki and Bill decided to work on a weekly challenge together to provide support and accountability for each other and hopefully inspire you to make healthy changes. Follow along with them as they tackle a variety of challenges to eat better, eat more mindfully, and improve physical health and emotional well-being. Vicki and Bill invite you to participate and accept the challenges to improve your lifestyle too. Some of them may be difficult and please feel free to modify the challenges to accommodate your dietary needs and physical abilities.

Challenge #43 Fighting sitting disease
Back in March when we were working on getting in our 10,000 steps a day we were also avoiding sitting disease. But even 10,000 steps a day doesn’t necessarily mean you meet the recommendations to battle sitting disease. More than half of the average person’s waking hours are spent sitting: watching TV, at the computer, in the car, or other physically inactive activities.

Research has shown that even if you exercise 30 to 60 minutes a day, it doesn’t offset the health hazards of sitting too much the rest of the day. People who are sedentary are more likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancers, and experience premature death. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work towards the recommendations of 2.5 hours a week of moderate activity. Continue with that goal but add small periods of light activity throughout the day to help reverse sitting disease.

Anything you can do sitting, do it standing. Standing burns 30 percent more calories than sitting. A simple strategy is to stand while you talk on the phone, or even better, walk around when you talk on the phone (Challenge #7). If you have a desk job, get up every hour and take a 2 minute walk. A study at the University of Utah School of Medicine found that trading 2 minutes of light activity each hour lowered the risk of premature death by 33 percent. If you are watching TV don’t set the recorder but instead get up and walk around the house during the commercials or do a small bit of housework.

Vicki’s observations:
• Some workdays I am sitting a good portion of the time. I downloaded a free app called Stand Up (very easy to use).

I set my timer during working hours for every 30 minutes but you can set it for every 45 or 60 minutes. Every 30 minutes my phone would ding and the message came across, “Stand up. We want you to live longer.” I made an effort not to just get up, but also take a 2 minute walk around the office.
• I know if I sit too long I get stiff and that is not good. I have to get up and move but sometimes I get busy and don’t think about it. The Stand Up app changed that and I’ll continue to use it.
• I set the timer for every 45 minutes in my preop Steps to Success class. When the phone would ding, everyone stood up and sat down when they were ready. At the end of the class, the feedback was positive and I’ll keep this as part of the class for those who want to and are able to participate.
• I seldom have a problem with sitting disease on the weekends. Usually I am so busy I look forward to sitting down.

Bill’s observations:
• I work from home so it is important for me to remember to get up and move around. When I went to the office I had people to go see and work with them.
• I have moderate arthritis in my left hip and if I sit to long it tightens up and is very painful. Moving around every hour helps to keep it loose.
• Having a goal of 10,000 steps a day helps me think about moving a lot more than if I did not have that goal each day.
• I am thankful I have a wife that is active and motivates me to get my butt off the couch and move around. She never sits still and is always moving around. I helps me to do the same.

Getting up and moving more won’t replace regular moderate activity. Over time the benefits of standing up and moving more reduces your sedentary time which helps offset the health hazards of sitting disease and can also help with weight control. Just set your timers, get off your bum, and live a longer, healthier life.We are using timers again next week but not for standing up. We’re using them for a sitting activity that I have been teaching for years.

Eat Smarter…
Vicki Bovee, MS, RDN, LD

Want to catch up on what you’ve missed?

The road to success is always under construction
Challenge #1 Eat everything sitting down.
Challenge #2 Eliminate cheese as an ingredient.
Challenge #3 Walk sideways in your home.
Challenge #4 Include a fresh herb in your daily meal plan.
Challenge #5 If there is food in your mouth there should be nothing in your hand.
Challenge #6 Eat the MyPlate recommendations for fruits and vegetables.
Challenge #7  Stand (and walk if possible) while talking on the phone.
Challenge # 8 Don’t eat out of the package. Put your food on a plate or in a bowl.
Challenge # 9 Keep a food record.
Challenge # 10 Power down while eating.
Challenge # 11 Eating to reduce inflammation. https://www.westernbariatricinstitute.comp=2559
Challenge # 12 Eating to help our environment.
Challenge # 13 Switch it up.
Challenge # 14 The road to success is still under construction.
Challenge # 15 Little bites.
Challenge # 16 Drink your water.
Challenge # 17 Count your chews.
Challenge # 18 The 100 Bite Diet.
Challenge # 19 Start your day right.
Challenge # 20 Holiday moves.
Challenge # 21 Limit TV time.
Challenge # 22 The Paleo Diet: Eat Like a Caveman.
Challenge # 23 Sweet dreams.
Challenge # 24 What color is your plate?
Challenge # 25 Six month reflections
Challenge # 26 Retro-walking.
Challenge # 27 Gimme a high fiber
Challenge # 28 The Half Plate Rule
Challenge #29 Feel Good Week
Challenge #30 Try one new healthy food a day
Challenge #31 It’s a stretch
Challenge #32 TLC for heart health
Challenge #33 The sounds of silence
Challenge #34 10,000 steps a day
Challenge #35  35/350
Challenge #36 Have a super week
Challenge #37 Stress busters
Challenge #38 Walking the tightrope
Challenge #39
The 7PM cut off
Challenge #40
Primary eating
Challenge #41 We’re gluten free
Challenge #42
Do what you gotta do

Vicki Bovee is the Registered Dietitian for Western Bariatric Institute and leads the non-surgical weight loss program, “Health and Lifestyle Program.” Contact Vicki


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