First of all, what is Gastric plication? Also known as also called laparoscopic greater curvature plication, gastric imbrication, or pseudo sleeve surgery, gastric plication is similar to the vertical sleeve procedure.

This surgery is a restrictive procedure that shrinks the size of the patient’s stomach by making large folds in the stomach’s lining, convincing the patient to feel full sooner. The stomach size is reduced by about 75% during the procedure, similar to the vertical sleeve.

The gastric plication procedure is performed laparoscopically (the surgeon makes small incisions in the abdomen through which surgical tools are passed), and to qualify for insurance to pay for this, one of the most common bariatric insurance coverage requirements is a Body mass index (BMI) greater than 40 or BMI greater than 35 with comorbidities (diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, etc.).

Check your BMI, here.

Gastric plication does not involve gastric resection, intestinal bypass, or placement of
a foreign body and this could potentially provide a lower risk alternative that will appeal to patients and referring physicians.

According to the ASMBS, Gastric plication procedures should be considered investigational
at present. This procedure should be performed under a study protocol with third-party
oversight (local or regional ethics committee, institutional review board, data monitoring and safety board, or equivalent authority) to ensure continuous evaluation of patient safety and to review adverse events and outcomes. Or, that it is still in its initial stages and that it should be closely monitored, in other words.

changing your lifestyle

Further, any marketing for this procedure must include that the procedure is investigational and should be noted as such.

As many of our patients already know, surgery is only a tool. Long-term success requires diligence and difficult change in other areas that may include toxic relationships with friends, co-workers, or even your job as a whole. If you have undergone bariatric surgery, major changes need to occur in your life to sustain your weight loss, there is no getting around it.

Are you considering weight loss surgery? Do you have questions regarding our program?

Contact Western Bariatric Insitute today.